• (850)-893-0670
  • sliang@customscourt.com
  • Tallahassee, FL

Transshipment under the Export Administration Regulations: An Attempt to Get Around the Regulations Ends Badly For a Florida Company

The Export Administration Regulations (EAR), at Part 736, General Order No. 2 of Supplement No. 1, prohibits export of all items covered by the EAR to Syria unless they are licensed shipments of food or medicine. This broad prohibition applies to all goods within the United States or U.S.-origin goods abroad, regardless of whether they are identified on the EAR’s […]

CBP Posts Updated Bond Policies and Procedures

CBP, at the URL below, has posted new guidance concerning customs bond policies and procedures. It notes that the Continuous Transaction Bond program has been centralized at CBP’s Revenue Division in Indianapolis, Indiana. All continuous and term bond submissions, including continuous ISF bonds, along with requests for terminations and bond riders, must be submitted via email to cbp.bondquestions@dhs.gov. Details concerning […]