• (850)-893-0670
  • sliang@customscourt.com
  • Tallahassee, FL

Behind the Scenes: CBP Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures Processes

Yesterday, the American Bar Association’s Section of International Law hosted a program for its members to hear from and speak directly with CBP Office of Regulations and Rulings, represented by Chief of the Penalties Branch, John Connors.  Mr. Connors told the group in attendance (live and via phone conference) that while he is not authorized to discuss recent or pending […]

Customs and Border Protection Meets the 21st Century: Highlighting U.S. Initiatives to Modernize International Trade at Our Borders

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has been in the process of transforming and modernizing its trade initiatives for the 21st century with stated goals of seeking “to improve cargo security while increasing trade competitiveness” by means of “fully aggregating risk management.”[1]  This goal seems vague, but essentially, CBP is making efforts to consolidate trade processing at our borders.  Some of […]