• (850)-893-0670
  • sliang@customscourt.com
  • Tallahassee, FL

Federal Maritime Commission Begins Rulemaking Process to Amend Regulations to Eliminate Filing of Rate Tariffs By Licensed NVOCCs

On April 29, 2010, the Federal Maritime Commission published a proposed rulemaking to implement its February 18, 2010, decision to relieve licensed NVOCCs from the costs and burdens of tariff rate publication. The April 29 rulemaking promulgated new and amended regulations that, when given effect, will establish the criteria that must be adhered to by NVOCCs that seek to be […]

Service Contract Held Inapplicable In Favor Of Bill Of Lading: Entire Yacht Is A “Package” Under COGSA And Liability Limited To $500

Until the Rotterdam Rules take hold, we will continue to examine COGSA cases worthy of note.  A case involving the dropping of a $4,000,000 yacht due to a collapsed crane is noteworthy in our book, especially when the ocean carrier attempts to limit its liability to $500, and the case turns on whether the terms and conditions contained in a […]